The Oracle Code© Practitioner Program

A 16-week transformative online group healing journey, where you’ll dive deep into the teachings of advanced spiritual practices. Discover the power of Hologram & Med Bed Healings, experience profound DNA Decalibration, and align with your soul’s true purpose through Soul Alignments and Evolution Chakra Activation.

You’ll connect with higher-dimensional beings, unlock extraordinary healing capabilities, and so much more—this is a life-altering path that will forever change how you manifest, heal, elevate your spiritual practice and your soul-led business (even if you are just starting out on the online space.).

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  • Advanced Spiritual Mastery

    Unlock the secrets of Quantum Healing, DNA Recalibration, Timeline Alignment, and Soul Imprint Manifestation, all designed to elevate your spiritual practice.

  • Exclusive Oracle Code© Healing Techniques

    Gain access to powerful tools like Hologram Healing and Med Bed integration, coupled with the Central Column Activation for deep, daily alignment.

  • Step-by-Step Practical Guidance

    Get actionable steps to effortlessly integrate spiritual principles into everyday life, enabling you to stay aligned with your soul’s purpose.

  • Personalised Mentorship with Ann Varney

    Direct access to personalised mentorship and support from Ann and her Spirit Team, helping you navigate your spiritual journey with confidence.

  • Lifetime Access to All Course Materials

    Enjoy unlimited access to the Oracle Code© content, including future updates and new teachings as they are developed.

  • Certification as an Oracle Code© Practitioner

    Receive official certification, empowering you to offer Oracle Healing sessions, guide others through transformation, and establish yourself as a leader in the spiritual community.

  • Client-Centered Healing Framework

    Learn how to use Oracle Code© tools to help clients rediscover their true path, heal blockages, and manifest their soul’s purpose.

  • Deep Spiritual Guidance

    Ann will send you via WhatsApp your spiritual guidance that relates to the program

  • Business and Marketing Mastery

    Get insider strategies to grow your own successful spiritual business using your Oracle Code© certification and skills.

  • Website Listing

    Be listed for FREE in The Oracle Code© Practitioner website with your own booking links.

  • A Supportive Global Community

    Join a vibrant network of like-minded spiritual practitioners, empaths, and energy workers, dedicated to uplifting each other and raising the collective consciousness.

  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls

    Participate in ongoing group coaching sessions with Ann and other practitioners to deepen your practice, stay aligned, and receive continued support.

  • Exclusive Oracle Code© Resources

    Access to workbooks, guided meditations, visualisations, and other proprietary materials that enrich both your personal and client work.

  • Energetic Protection & Grounding Mastery

    Master the art of protecting your energy field, grounding yourself, and maintaining balance when working with clients or intense energies.

  • Hands-On Application and Feedback

    Engage in real-life case studies, practical exercises, and feedback sessions to ensure you are fully prepared to practice as an Oracle Practitioner.

  • Soul Alignment Workshops

    Dive even deeper into your soul’s mission with advanced workshops to unlock your fullest potential.




COPYRIGHT ©2024 |The Oracle Code © | Ann Varney

The content on this website has not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products and information provided are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This website does not offer medical advice or treatment for physical or medical conditions. Please consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have any health concerns or medical issues.